Going up?
It's very interesting to hear what total strangers have to say during the 7-10 minutes we share together while on a ski lift. Here's a quick break-down of Sunday's favorites:
-Wyoming Joe: Nice guy. Joe's a late 50's civil engineer from Laramie who is a self-employed well digger.
Since he was in town for the holiday weekend visiting his daughter in Ft Collins, he decided to head up to the mountains for some turns. We talked mainly about northern Wyoming and how freaking cool it is. Then, we both agreed that Jackson Hole ski area has turned into one large 'who-can-one-up-the-next-guy' theme. In other words, Jackson is turning into a Vail/Apsen kinda gig. Don't get me started on 2nd and 3rd vacation houses in the high 950's.
Anyways, i said goodbye to Monty and sent him on his way over to a blue cruiser towards the center of the resort. Monty gave me a strange look wondering how in the world i knew his name???? Dumass tourists need to write their names on their rental skiis with a sharpie to tell them apart once parked in a rack... Kinda like when your in a mall parking lot and all you see are Esuvees or soccer mom minivans. They look all same exept for that 'my kids a nerd and gets all A's' bumper sticker that sets each car apart.
-Joe St. Louis:
-Chicago Fred: Fred was all excited to be up on the lift on a fine Sunday morning.
As usual, Fred and I got talking about where i was from a la most of lift rides. I told him where and of course he had a story for me.
Fred said that he was driving trough Pgh on his was to Md and decided to pull in for some lunch. Since Fred picked the opportune time of July 4th weekend to check out Pgh's best, he totally forgot to follow the law. Fred drove down a street that had some spots open to park his ride. What Fred didn't know was that July 4th weekend is prob the craziest weekend of the year for Pgh. We're talking about a million people gathered down at the river for some good ole fashion firework activities. Anyways, his car was towed because he parked it illegally. Given, the city shuts down and most city streets become pedestrian walkways instead of metered parking. Don't hate the player Fred...
One more:
-Josephsky from Russia: Josephsky was a quiet guy for most of the ride. However, he sure was proud of the new skiis he just bought! He told us all about em and how great of deal he got.
More later...
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