Our peeves about paradise - brought to you by Aspen Times
People bitching about living in Aspen. Wow, folks. You got it pretty rough living all the way out there in the middle of nowhere with all of that fresh powder. I fell so bad for all the idiots you have to deal with...
Ok, so they're not really bitching. They're just jonesing for the snow to arrive.
BTW, do you mean this t-shirt?
I liked this part the most. Trust me, it's the truth to the n'th degree. "And the worst of the bunch, since we're pointing fingers, are the übermoms. You know who we're talking about: Those women seen scaling mountains just days before giving birth, while toting toddlers on their backs; or their evil twins, the pencil-thin women who have just given birth and are already readying their family for a four-day foray into the backcountry."
Is it winter yet?
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