
Avalanche bomb misses mountain, lands in yard

Too much gun powder in the shell caused more than just a bang.


Help a brah out

If you order an avalanche beacon, you get free shipping and a free shovel or probe.
Now this is a really smart way to help folks be safe out in the BC. Well done avytools.com.


JP Pull-over Relief

I wonder if this fella looked around before dropping his drawers.


Don't eat yellow snow.
Kinda funnny... write away!


Suit Sweetness

Here are a few all-star suits i ran into on the hill this past week. Enjoy.

We have a bear on skiis sighting! Nice fur.

How about some sweet NEON gear! WERD.

And to send you off... an interesting blue/white thing. Extra points for tucking suit in boots.


82-year-old skier ends 24-year streak

Wow, he delayed the removal of a cancerous kidney to keep the streak alive. Dude has got some issues.

At least he wore a sweet ass one-piece.


Winter Park Feast

Saturday's Conditions: 40 degress and hot. Slushy soft bumps, windy, hard packed crust throughout.
Sunday's Conditions: Snowing, cold, no wind. 12" of fresh snow on the ground. Permagrin for 4 hours straight.

Here's a short clip (thank you Putfile, you are now linked) from Parsenn Bowl.

A report will soon follow from all the weekends' Spring Break outfits!!


The 6 Shooter - Spring Break Week

Here's another post to honor all the kids heading up to higher ground for a week of boozing. Hey mom and dad, here's where your money's going!

Leave the beer bongs at home kids; The Ski Shot is the way to go.
Why do shots alone? Force people to join in on the the fun with the famous moutain pub drinking accessory.

Here's what i'm talking about (thanks Google Images):

Europeans know how it's done. Holy booze!

But what if i'm not ready? TOUGH

Oh, you're smiling now toots... Just wait until the altitude kicks in. Nice hat dude!?

And then we have some summer hopefuls.

Kids, always remember to drink then drive. Be careful out there.


Spring Break! WOOO Hooo!

Break out the beer pong tables, snowerblades, and Nebraska Shucker Starter Gear folks!
Spring Break crowds are out in full force and ready to cause a ruckus. Wait, what am I talking about?? They’re already out in full force and causing headaches. Every year the same old song and dance rolls into town and drives me and everyone crazy for about 3 weeks. It’s bad enough spring break is only one week; however, every school always has a different week scheduled. Hey, here’s a thought: why don’t university’s all get together and decide on the same week for everyone! Wouldn’t that be so much more fun to have all the hot girls in one same spot at one time doing body shots and putting down redbulls and vodka?! Instead I’m forced to avoid morons turtling down bump runs wearing Carhart because the one good skier in the group said it would be cool to ski a black diamond. Seriously people, go to the beach where it’s warm and all you see are girls wearing absolutely no clothing. Have you ever seen wet t-shirt contests in the snow? Well, never mind, bad example because I have. You get the idea.

GO Shuckers!

Team Carhart:

Extreme Tree Jumping

Wow, i guess folks with too much time and winter on their hands need to come up with new and interesting sports to keep busy. That's if you want to call this a sport.

I can imagine the first conversation:
'Hey Kjord, lets build a big jump in front of that tree and huck it.'
'Kjell, That's too easy. Lets grab the tree in mid air and try to hang on.'

Damn Norwegians need to stick with just the fishing and nordic skiing.


Tourists skiing sand

Seriously, what are people thinking when they do stuff like this?

That bikini is killer Mrs Public! And Joe Pub over the left is rippin it up on his mono board! I think that is actually smoke coming off the back of his board.



This site rocks!

Here's one more from the weekend:


Boy Hits Girl With Snowball, Girl Hits Boy With Charges

Those damn crazy kids!